Keep up with what's new at Timonium: 

Click on the link below to give feedback on Baltimore County's Early Entry day in August.  
Early Entry Day Survey             

Visit our Newsletter page for the latest TES news!


Got questions?  Visit our Parent Handbook

Registering a student? Click here for information.

September 2016 Parent Information Meeting Powerpoints  
Advanced Academics
BCPS Grading and Reporting
Second Step   
Click Here for more Second Step Resources
Timonium Family Night Q & A

 Our Purpose

Timonium Elementary School will provide every student the highest quality 21st century education in a safe, secure, and positive environment.  Through purposeful teaching, learning and student engagement, Timonium will develop globally competitive students who are caring, respectful and responsible citizens of the community.

 Our Vision

Timonium Elementary provides rigorous and engaging learning opportunities in the pursuit of deliberate excellence in a fully inclusive and safe environment and creates life-long learners for the 21st century.

We believe that to maintain our standard of excellence we must:

  • Create classroom learning environments recognizing that students possess different learning styles and it is incumbent upon us to facilitate use of their individual strengths.
  • Respect the dignity and worth of every individual and cultivate within our students a positive attitude toward self and others.
  • Build a foundation for cultural appreciation and self-understanding through art, music, and wellness education.


Safe Schools and Crisis Hot Lines

Any student or community member should use the Safe Schools Tip Hotline if
they suspect Phonethere is a threat or dangerous situation. This number goes to the state police and is routed back to the appropriate local precincts based on the information provided by the caller.
The Safe Schools Tip Hotline number is 1-877-636-6332.

Students can use the Maryland Suicide and Crisis Hotline 24 hours a day if they have thoughts of self harm. This statewide Crisis Hotline is answered by a licensed clinical social worker who is able to talk with anyone contemplating suicide.
The Suicide and Crisis Hotline number is 1-800-422-0009.

TES PTA Website            BCPS One Website 

PTA      BCPS One


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            Click Here

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Blue Ribbon Plaque
We are proud to be a No Child Left Behind National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence as well as a Maryland Blue Ribbon School of Excellence!