Third Grade
The third grade team includes Mrs. Dungey, Mrs. Frigo, and Mrs. Kelly, working part time with the team!
We are dedicated to helping each
student adjust to the changes and challenges that happen during third grade.
Our goals are:
- to help each child transition from being a primary student to an
intermediate student - which includes changing classes throughout the day and
adjusting to different teachers for different subject areas.
- to instill our belief that all children can learn.
- to share our genuine desire for all children to be life-long
learners, to be curious about the world, to become independent learners, and to
have the knowledge and self-confidence to explore any aspect of life that
interests him/her.
- to make our classrooms safe, warm, and welcoming places to learn.
- to work together as a team - both students and teachers - and
benefit from one another’s strengths as we learn and grow together as teammates.
- to develop and consistently use good manners.
You may contact us by email or by
calling the school (410-887-7661) and leaving a message.
Mrs. Frigo [email protected]
Mrs. Dungey [email protected]
Mrs. Kelly [email protected]