Welcome to the ESOL Program at
Timonium Elementary School!


All students in Baltimore County Public Schools born outside the U.S. or who speak a language other than English at home may be evaluated to see if they qualify for ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) services.  Parents can schedule an intake appointment at the ESOL Welcome Center at Old Court Middle School at 443-809-6752. In the case of incoming Kindergarten students, they may be evaluated at Timonium by the ESOL teacher. Students who qualify will receive small group instruction during the school day in order to help them acquire English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing.  Students also receive accommodations for instruction and assessment in their mainstream classrooms.

All ESOL students participate in the WIDA Access language proficiency assessment in the spring to assess their progress and to see if they are ready to exit the ESOL program for the following school year.

For questions regarding the ESOL program, please contact the BCPS website, Office of World Languages.

Timonium has one part-time ESOL teacher, Mara Lamb.